Talk on Reboots & Revivals
On 21 April 2022 at 6 p.m., Kathleen Loock will give an online lecture as part of the Atlantic Academy’s TV Thursday discussion series.
Register here to attend the lecture (in German).
Event description (from the Atlantic Academy):
Fuller House, One Day at a Time, or Twin Peaks: The Return – in recent years, several beloved American television series have celebrated their return to American television and streaming platforms with brand new episodes and old cast members. The so-called reboots and revivals deliberately draw on past TV experiences to create something new in the crowded contemporary media landscape, deliberately invoking past successes. In this talk, Kathleen Loock from Leibniz Universität Hannover discusses how series revivals attempt to represent the legacy of the original series, evoke feelings and emotions of generational belonging, and negotiate notions of past, present, and future in meaningful ways.
In our discussion series, we look at the cultural export of the United States: TV series! On selected Thursdays, we will take a look at the multifaceted television landscape of the U.S.

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