


Prof. Dr. Kathleen Loock


Kathleen Loock

Kathleen Loock是莱布尼茨汉诺威大学英语系美国研究和媒体研究教授。她的研究重点是美国记忆文化和各种形式的文化重复:从纪念碑和节日到翻拍、续集和重启,以及电影和电视中的连续性。


主持“好莱坞记忆”项目,负责研究的整体设计。另外,她还负责美国的子项目,主要研究问题为:好莱坞电影是否有助于构建全球电影世代 ?


《辣身舞》和《风月俏佳人》:我不知道自己现在已经看了多少遍这两部电影,但如果我在电视上再次看到这两部电影,我一定会再看一遍。我喜欢这两部电影的音乐、演员和故事。我记得第一次看《风月俏佳人》是在 20 世纪 90 年代初的露天电影院里。当时我大概十一二岁,和家人在捷克拉贝河畔乌斯季附近的一个小村庄度过暑假。这是柏林墙倒塌后我们第一次出国度假,也是我们第一次开着我们刚买的车(一辆二手特拉比)去旅行。一天晚上,我和姐姐以及两个捷克女孩一起去露天电影院看电影。之后,我与其中一个捷克女孩,Lada,成为了笔友,我们用英语互相通信了好几年,最终失去了联系。当时那部影片用英语放映,配了捷克语字幕。当时我可能还听不懂什么对白,但我肯定明白《风月俏佳人》讲的是什么,我只是喜欢在温暖的夏夜里观看银幕上的电影,在Roy Orbison 和Roxette的歌声中,沉浸在这个浪漫的故事里。

Stefan Dierkes, M.A.


Stefan Dierkes

Stefan Dierkes 是好莱坞记忆项目的研究助理。他在埃森大学获得文学与媒体实践和英语研究硕士学位,目前在汉诺威莱布尼茨大学英语系攻读美国研究博士学位。


Stefan 负责德国分项目,并管理研究项目在社交媒体平台Twitter、Facebook 和 Instagram 上的内容。





Alejandra Bulla, M.A.


Alejandra Bulla

Alejandra Bulla 是 “好莱坞记忆”项目的研究助理。她在埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学获得美国研究硕士学位,在哥伦比亚的波哥大弗朗西斯科-何塞-德-卡尔达斯大学获得英语教师学士学位。目前,她在汉诺威莱布尼茨大学英语系攻读博士学位。


Alejandra 负责墨西哥分项目,并协助管理项目在社交媒体平台Twitter、Facebook 和 Instagram 上的内容



张怡宁, M.A.







《哈利·波特》系列的观影经历不仅对我的成长有深远影响,而且见证了我青少年时期的技术演变。我第一次看《哈利-波特与魔法石》的时候大概 7 岁,用的是家里新买的DVD播放机。我看了无数遍这部电影,以至于我身边的一切都似乎充满了魔法的气息。如果当时我有一根魔杖,我一定能完美地表演 “漂浮咒”(Wingardium Leviosa)。后来,我又在很可能是盗版的卡顿的DVD光碟上看了第二部和第三部。我在电脑上看了后面的几部,那时我惊讶地发现里面的人物成长过程中的巨大变化,却没有意识到自己也和他们一起成长、变化。上初中时,我和妈妈一起在电影院看了系列的最后一部电影,当时电影院在我的家乡已经非常流行了。这部电影上映后,我们学校掀起了一股《哈利·波特》热潮,课间休息时,教学楼的走廊里都回荡着 “Avada Kedavra “和 “Expecto Patronum “的咒语。直到现在,只要有人提起《哈利-波特》,我还能和他聊个没完,之后我们很可能就能成为好朋友了。

Lida Shams-Mostofi


Lida Shams-Mostofi

Lida Shams-Mostofi是 “好莱坞记忆 “项目的学生助理。她在汉诺威莱布尼茨大学获得跨学科项目Lehramt an Gymnasien 的学士学位,第一学科为英语,第二学科为历史。目前,她在汉诺威莱布尼茨大学攻读高级英语研究和英语与历史硕士学位。Lida 的研究兴趣为批判性种族研究、交叉学科和创伤研究,并尤其关注这些领域在流行文化、电影和连续剧中的表现。


作为学生助理,Lida 协助 Kathleen Loock 教授的工作。其中包括协助制作“好莱坞记忆”项目的调查问卷、筹备和举办会议,以及在莱布尼茨汉诺威大学内进行项目的网络宣传。

Lida 讲述她印象深刻的一次观影经历

直到今天,我都不能看恐怖片。不过,小时候的我更无法忍受恐怖片。11 岁的时候,在我的要求下,父亲和我一起去看电影《墨水心》。虽然我非常期待这部电影,但电影开始几分钟后,我又要求父亲带我出去,因为这部电影对我来说真的太恐怖了。那些神话中的生物把我吓坏了。一周后,我们全班同学去看电影,所有人都很期待。然而,我的喜悦心情很快就结束了,因为我们去看了《墨水心》…… 还没开始,我就慌了神,但又不好意思当着大家的面说出来。于是,我乖乖地坐在电影院里,在开场时不自觉地闭上了眼睛,因为上一次我已经被吓到了。我正常地再看一遍后,被剧情深深吸引,有些场景虽然让我觉得毛骨悚然,但最终我还是为幸存下来而感到非常自豪,甚至喜欢上了这部电影。

Tina Pahnke


Tina Pahnke



作为学生助理,Tina协助Kathleen Loock教授的工作,主要负责德国部分的访谈转录工作。


我父母曾经用录像带录下了很多电影,其中,我和妹妹最喜欢的就是《最后的独角兽》。录像的质量很差,广告也没有剪掉,所以我们总是得跳过广告,这让我现在几乎无法想象没有广告的电影。不过,这部电影一直是我看过的最美的电影之一。小时候,这部电影的故事就深深吸引了我,点燃了我的很多情感。直到今天,这部电影仍是我最爱的电影之一。后来,我们又把《查理的天使》加入到我们的 DVD收藏中,这次没有广告。然而,DVD 光盘在第二部分有一点停顿,影片总是在一个地方中断几秒钟才继续播放。现在,即使我在电视上观看这部电影,我还下意识觉得它会出现停顿的现象。

Larissa Díaz


Larissa Díaz

Larissa Díaz 是“好莱坞记忆”项目的学生助理。她目前在汉诺威莱布尼茨大学攻读生命科学学士学位。


作为学生助理,Larissa协助Kathleen Loock教授的工作,主要负责墨西哥案例研究的访谈转录工作。











作为学生助理,林宇瀚协助Kathleen Loock教授的工作,主要负责访谈音视频的转录工作,提供音视频字幕,推进研究进展。


我小时候,家乡没有电影院。2010 年,《阿凡达》风靡全球,家乡的艺术中心决定放映这部电影。妈妈的工作单位给了我们几张 “电影票”。那天,人群熙熙攘攘,每个人满载着好奇。我还清晰地记得当时,大屏幕上显示出淡蓝色 Windows 背景,工作人员缓缓点击桌面上的 Avatar.mp4 。十多年后,《阿凡达》在全球重映,世界和我自己都发生了翻天覆地的变化。在我的家乡,这些年有很多新的电影院开张又关闭,人们对好莱坞电影的好奇逐渐变成了熟悉感,甚至开始批判这些电影过于商业化。一部电影跨越我的记忆,反映我观察到的周围世界的变化——这感觉很怪诞。我仍然记得那些年轻面孔(包括我的家人)当时的好奇和兴奋,我希望有一天《阿凡达》再次上映时,我能再次去电影院和家人一起欣赏这部电影。






作为学生助理,张晨越协助Kathleen Loock教授的工作,主要负责中国部分的访谈转录工作,以及其他与中国子项目相关的任务。






Brunella Tedesco-Barlocco

Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain

About Brunella

Brunella Tedesco-Barlocco is currently writing her Ph.D. thesis on reboots, requels and revivals at Pompeu Fabra University, in Barcelona, Spain. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from ORT University (Montevideo, Uruguay), and an M.A. in Contemporary Film and Audiovisual Studies from Pompeu Fabra University. She is a doctoral fellow at the Communication Department, a member of the CINEMA Research Group of Pompeu Fabra University, and an editorial assistant of the academic journal Comparative Cinema. She has published articles in Adaptation, Communication & Society and El profesional de la información.

In November and December 2021, Brunella was on a research stay at the English Department of Leibniz University Hannover, with Prof. Dr. Kathleen Loock as her mentor.

You can find Brunella on Orcid, ResearchGate and Academia.

Jonathan Gray

University of Wisconsin, Madison, US

About Jonathan

Jonathan Gray is Hamel Family Distinguished Chair in Communication Arts and Professor Media and Cultural Studies at University of Wisconsin – Madison. His research interests generally focus on the points of contact between texts and audiences, and hence on lived textualities and on audience reception. Recent books include Dislike-Minded: Media, Audiences, and the Dynamics of Taste and Television Goes to the Movies (with Derek Johnson). He also edits International Journal of Cultural Studies, NYU Press’ Critical Cultural Communication series, and is an International Communication Association Fellow.

Fabiola Alcalá Anguiano

University of Guadalajara, Mexico

About Fabiola

Fabiola Alcalá Anguiano is a research professor in the Department of Social Communication Studies at the University of Guadalajara, Mexico. Her main lines of research are German cinema, documentary film and visual studies. She likes to reflect on cinema and to find in its images a way of understanding the world. She has written about filmmakers such as Werner Herzog, Harun Farocki, Christian Petzold, Agnès Varda, Angela Schanelec, among others.

In this project she will be in charge of applying the study in Mexico, a territory where the influence of U.S. cinema is extremely strong and has a direct impact on the construction of identities.

Here are some of her latest publications:

2022. Alcalá, Fabiola. Barcelona en el Cine, una metáforca en Construcción. El ojo que piensa. Número 24. http://www.elojoquepiensa.cucsh.udg.mx/index.php/elojoquepiensa/article/view/382

2021. Alcalá, Fabiola. Coyunturas éticas y estéticas en el cine documental contemporáneo. Testimonios sobre la guerra contra el narcotráfico en México. Miguel Hernández Communcation Journal, Vol 12 (1), pp. 105-118. Universidad Miguel Hernández, UMH (Elche-Alicante). https://revistas.innovacionumh.es/index.php/mhcj/article/view/940

2021. Alcalá, Fabiola. Las imágenes de Rostros y Lugares (2017). Una reflexión desde el documental performativo y los estudios visuales. Fotocinema. Revista cientifica De Cine Y fotografia, (22), pp. 331-349. https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/fotocinema/article/view/11728

Philippe Meers

University of Antwerp, Belgium

About Philippe

Philippe Meers is a Professor in Film and Media Studies at the University of Antwerp, Belgium, where leads the Visual and Digital Cultures Research Center (ViDi) and the Center for Mexican Studies. He has published widely on historical and contemporary film cultures and audiences. With Richard Maltby and Daniel Biltereyst, he co-edited Explorations in New Cinema History: Approaches and Case Studies (2011), Audiences, Cinema and Modernity: New Perspectives on European Cinema History (2012) and The Routledge Companion to New Cinema History (2019). His latest co-edited volume is Cinema in the Arab World: New Histories, New Approaches, with Ifdal Elsaket and Daniel Biltereyst (Bloomsbury, World Cinema series, 2023).He co-coordinates the Spanish language research network ‘Cultura de la Pantalla’.

Links to his projects:

www.cinemacitycultures.org (temporarily offline)

Annette Kuhn

Queen Mary University, London, UK (Emeritus)

About Annette

Annette Kuhn is Emeritus Professor in Film Studies at Queen Mary University of London, a Member of the European Academy, and a Fellow of the British Academy. She writes on film history, and on cultural memory in relation to photography and cinema. As Director of Cinema Culture in 1930s Britain and Co-Investigator of Cinema Memory and the Digital Archive – 1930s Britain & Beyond (lancaster.ac.uk) she has devoted several decades to investigating how audiences relate to and remember their past cinemagoing, introducing the concept of ‘cinema memory’ into the field.

Christine Hämmerling

Zurich University, Zurich, Switzerland

About Christine

Christine Hämmerling, Dr., is a Senior Teaching and Research Assistant at the Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, Zurich University (since 2014). Her main research interests are social movements, trust and professionalization, trade and gift giving, ego documents (Das dokumentierte Ich, 2018), popular taste, reception of popular media & media theory (Sonntags, 20.15 Uhr: Tatort, 2016), the anthropology of space (Wissensmedien des Raums, 2020), cultural theory, and qualitative methods.

Nicolas Licata

National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

About Nicolas

Nicolas Licata holds a PhD in Languages, Literature and Translation Studies from the University of Liège, where he defended in 2020 a thesis on contemporary Argentine and Mexican literature, concerning the genre of autofiction, which can be defined as an autobiographical narrative in which the author deliberately introduces fictitious elements, in variable proportions and for a wide variety of possible reasons. His most recent articles on this subject were published in the journals Bulletin of Contemporary Hispanic Studies, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, Anales de Filología Francesa, as well as in the collective volume La invasión de los alter egos: Estudios sobre la autoficción y lo fantástico (Iberoamericana/Vervuert 2021), that he co-edited together with Rahel Teicher and Kristine Vanden Berghe. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) where he is furthering his research on Mexican autofiction of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Although he is primarily interested in literature, he is more generally passionate about the Mexican culture and society. Throughout his various travels and research, he has often been able to observe the deep traces left in this country by Hollywood films. Getting involved in this project is for him a way to broaden his understanding of Mexico and its connections with the rest of the world.

Maya Nedyalkova

Oxford Brookes University

About Maya

Maya Nedyalkova is a Research Fellow for the Creative Industries Research and Innovation Network at Oxford Brookes University, interested in popular culture and film/media audiences. She examined aspects of the transnational Bulgarian film industry during her PhD at the University of Southampton, which was funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council. For her British Academy postdoctoral fellowship at Oxford Brookes, she explored Bulgarian film audiences’ memories of film-viewing in relation to current habits, practices and preferences. She co-edited two themed sections, titled “International Film Audiences”, for Participations Journal of Audience and Reception Studies and has published in journals (Open Screens and Studies in Eastern European Cinema) and edited volumes (The Palgrave Handbook of Comparative New Cinema Histories, Routledge Companion to European Cinema, Popular Music and the Moving Image in Eastern Europe, and Transformation Processes in Post-socialist Screen Media). A beta version of the website with the findings of her most recent project can be found here: https://bulgarianfilmaudiences.org/

Eduard Cuelenaere

Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

About Eduard

Eduard Cuelenaere holds a doctoral degree (PhD) in Communication Sciences (Ghent University) and in Theatre Studies and Intermediality (University of Antwerp). His research interests centre around the study of serialities (film remakes, reboots, sequels, …), transnational cinema, European (popular) cinema, and international communication. He has particular research expertise in Dutch-Flemish film remakes, Dutch and Belgian cinema, as well as in the relation between film and national identity.

Catherine Grant

University of Reading, Reading, UK

About Catherine

Catherine Grant is Honorary Research Fellow at Birkbeck, University of London, and Senior Research Fellow at the University of Reading, UK. Since September 2022, she has been Honorary Professor at Aarhus Universitet, Denmark. She carries out her film and moving image studies research mostly in the form of remix-based video essays. She also runs the Film Studies For Free social media platforms, and is a founding co-editor of the award-winning peer-reviewed journal [in]Transition: Journal of Videographic Film and Moving Image Studies.

Ana Rosas Mantecón

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico

About Ana

Ana holds a PhD in Anthropology. She is a professor and researcher in the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana’s Department of Anthropology, Mexico. Specialist in cinema, museum and heritage audiences, as well as cultural access policy. She has promoted the dialogue between theory and practice in cultural management through the participation in different international, national and regional programs dedicated to the professionalization of cultural mediators, applied research and audience development.

Here are some of her latest publications:

2017. “Going to the movies. Anthropolog of audiences, the city and the screens.” [Ir al cine. Antropología de los públicos, la ciudad y las pantallas].

2020. “Latin American Cinema in Circulation. Searching for the lost audience.” [Cines latinoamericanos en circulación. En busca del público perdido], with Leandro González. Awarded the Fundación del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano Essay Prize.

2021. “Ibero-American audiences of Golden Age Mexican Cinema. Analog and digital trajectories of a shared identity.” [Públicos iberoamericanos del cine mexicano de la Época de oro. Trayectorias analógicas y digitales de una identidad compartida], with Juan Carlos Domínguez Domingo.

2023. “Memory’s chiaroscuro. Cinematographic culture and urban worlds.” [Claroscuros de la memoria. Culturas cinematográficas y mundos urbanos], with Antonio Zirión Pérez.


Alissa Lienhard


Alissa Lienhard

Alissa Lienhard是“好莱坞记忆”项目的学生助理。她在汉诺威莱布尼茨大学获得跨学科学士学位,第一学科为英语,第二学科为生物学。目前,她在汉诺威莱布尼茨大学攻读高级英语研究硕士学位。Alissa的研究兴趣为电影、连续剧、科幻小说、女权主义和性别/酷儿研究。


Alissa 协助收集和分析数据,筹备各种活动、会议和研讨会。她还负责维护汉诺威莱布尼茨大学英语系网页上的《好莱坞记忆》网站。


2010 年,10岁的我和我12岁的哥哥看到《创:战纪》的预告片,就想马上去看。但是,父亲坚持要和我们一起先看 1982 年的“原版电影”。由于“原版电影”时间较长,当我们终于准备好时,这部电影已经在汉诺威下映了。于是,我们一家三口从汉诺威搭乘地区快车前往不来梅,只为在那里的电影院观看《创:战纪》。那是我父亲带我们去的最棒的家庭旅行之一。


