Research Stay: Brunella Tedesco-Barlocco

Ph.D. student Brunella Tedesco-Barlocco will be undertaking her research stay at the English Department of Leibniz University Hannover during the months of November and December, with Prof. Dr. Kathleen Loock as a mentor. Tedesco-Barlocco is currently writing her Ph.D. thesis on reboots, requels and revivals at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain.

Brunella holds a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from ORT University (Montevideo, Uruguay), and an M.A. in Contemporary Film and Audiovisual Studies from Pompeu Fabra University. She is a doctoral fellow at the Communication Department of UPF, a member of the CINEMA Research Group of Pompeu Fabra University, and an editorial assistant of the academic journal COMPARATIVE CINEMA. Brunella has published articles in ADAPTATION and COMMUNICATION & SOCIETY.

Brunella Tedesco-Barlocco can be found on Orcid, ResearchGate, and Academia.

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